Inaugural Plenary of the Media Board

On 10 February, the new European Board for Media Services (the Media Board) held its constitutive meeting.

The Media Board is an independent advisory body at Union level established by the European Media Freedom Act, consisting of representatives of the national media regulators, who will replace and continue the work of ERGA.

Read the press release of the Media Board.

Commission boosts awareness-raising of the risks of disinformation and information manipulation

The Commission launched a set of actions to raise awareness of the risks of disinformation and foreign information manipulation and interference, in the run-up to the European elections. 

Together with the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), which brings together all 27 national independent regulatory bodies in the field of audiovisual services, it kicked off a joint communication campaign to inform citizens about the related risks, encouraging critical thinking and providing practical tips on how to spot and tackle disinformation. The video of the campaign will be running across the Member States, available in all 24 official EU languages, until the beginning of June. 

The Commission is also publishing a new toolkit with hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, including practical suggestions to help them explain disinformation and information manipulation to students and young people and empower them to recognise and tackle it.  

For more information

Video: Awareness-raising of the risks of disinformation and information manipulation

Toolkit: Spot and fight disinformation

Strategic communications and tackling disinformation

20th ERGA Plenary: European media regulators look into the future, from the implementation of the DSA to the introduction of the EMFA

On December 14th, ERGA members met for the group’s second Plenary meeting of the year, taking stock
of the activities of the group in 2023 and preparing the work for the coming year. This was the occasion
to look back at the extensive work carried out by ERGA in the various fields and to consider the priorities
of ERGA for the year ahead.

Press release

19th ERGA Plenary: European media regulators gather and discuss their role in a changing audiovisual environment

On 29th June 2023, the 19th ERGA plenary meeting took place in Naples. Members gathered to take stock of ERGA’s work, in a crucial year for the European legislative framework regarding the media sector. They exchanged with the European Commission on current policy initiatives and adopted statements on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) and on the Regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising, highlighting their crucial importance for ERGA and media regulators.

Press release
ERGA statement “ERGA welcomes the co–legislators’ progress and reiterates its priorities for a reinforced EMFA” (June 2023)
ERGA statement on the ongoing trilogue negotiations on the Regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising (June 2023)
ERGA report on the first year of the Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation (June 2023)

European Media Freedom Act (EMFA): ERGA adopts its position paper supporting
the initiative and calling for an effective independence of the new European Board
for Media Services

On the 25th November 2022, ERGA adopted its position paper on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). This major legislative project aims at protecting media freedom, pluralism and independence as well as ensuring a well-functioning internal market for media in the EU. European citizens need to access an independent and pluralistic media offer in order to form their opinions and thus effectively participate in the democratic life.

Press release

Position paper