ERGA Secretariat
You can contact the secretariat of ERGA via email:
You will find additional info on AVMSD and ERGA on the Commission website
List of regulators in the field of audiovisual media services
EU Member States
Member State | Organisation | Contact details |
Austria | Kommunikationsbehörde Austria – KommAustria (Austrian Communications Authority)
Chairman: | Ms Susanne Lackner Vice-Chair Address: Mariahilfer Straße 77-79 A-1060 Wien; Austria Tel.: +43 (0)1 58058 – 150 E-mail | Website |
Belgium | Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
President: | Ms Eszter Bakó Directrice des Affaires européennes Address: Rue Royale, 89 B- 1000 Bruxelles; Belgium Tel: + 32 2 3495891 E-mail | Website |
Belgium | Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media
President: | Mr Joris Sels Delegated director Address: Koning Albert II-laan 20, Box 21 B- 1000 Brussel; Belgium Tel: 0032-2-553 4504 Fax: 0032-2-553 4506 E-mail | Website |
Belgium | Conseil des Médias de la Communauté Germanophone (Medienrat der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft)
Président de la chambre décisionnelle (Büro der Beschlusskammer): Mr Oswald Weber | Mr François Jongen Medienrat
Bureau de la chambre décisionnelle |
Bulgaria | Council for Electronic Media CEM
Council Member of CEM Ms Gabriela Naplatanova, PhD | Address: 69 Shipchenski prohod blvd, BU- 1574 Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail | Website |
Croatia | Director of Agency for Electronic Media (AEM)
and president of Electronic Media Council : Mr Josip Popovac | Mr Robert Tomljenovic Address: Jagiceva 31 HR-10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia E-mail | Website |
Cyprus | Cyprus Radio-Television Authority
Chair: | Ms Loucia Persiani Address: P.O. Box 23377, 1682 Nicosia, CYPRUS 42 Athalassas Avenue 2012 Strovolos Tel: + 357 22 512468 Fax: + 357 22512473 E-mail |Website |
Czech Republic | Rada pro Rozhlasové a Televizní Vysílání (Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting
Chair: | Mr Petr Kozák Head – Department of Licences and Retransmission Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting Skretova 44/6 2000 Prague Czech Republic Phone :00420 274813 830 E-mail | Website |
Denmark | Radio and Television Board c/o Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces, Media Division
President of the Board: | Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces
Tel: +45 33 95 42 00 |
Estonia | Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA)
Ms Kristi Talving, Director General | Ms Helen Rohtla, Head of Information Society Division Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority |
Finland | Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
| Ms Eliisa Reenpää Legal Counsel
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) P.O. Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM |
France | Arcom – Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique
President: | Address: Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique Pour les services: |
Germany |
Mr Tobias Schmid Der Europabeauftragte | European Affairs Commissioner Directeur des affaires européennes Direktorenkonferenz der Landesmedienanstalten (DLM) z.Hd. Landesanstalt für Medien NRW Zollhof 2 | Mr Peter Matzneller
Die Medienanstalten Joint Management Office of the Media Authorities Friedrichstraße 60 10117 Berlin |
Greece | National Council for Radio and Television Ms Euterpe Koutzamani | Ms Persa Lampropoulou 5 Amerikis & Panepistimiou Str. 105 64, Athens Tel.: +30-213-1502335 Fax.: +30-213-3319881 E-mail | Website |
Hungary | National Media and Infocommunications Authority
President: | Mr György Ocskó Secretariat of the Media Council Address: Reviczky utca 5 HU- 1088 Budapest, Hungary Tel: +36 1 429 86 92 Fax: +36 1 429 87 63 E-mail | Website |
Ireland | BCI – Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
Chief Executive: | Ms Celene Craig Deputy CEO Address: 2-5 Warrington place, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: +353 (01)1 644 1200 Fax: +353 (01) 676 0948 or Mr Michael O’ Keeffe Chief Executive Broadcasting Authority of Ireland – Údarás Craolacháin na hÉireann 2-5 Warrington Place, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel.: + 353 (0)1 644 1200 Fax.: + 353 (0)1 644 1299 E-mail | Website |
Italy | Autrità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni – AGCOM Communications Authority President: Mr Giacomo Lasorella | Mr Antonello de Tommaso Agcom – EU and international affairs Office Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni Via Isonzo, 21b – 00198 Roma Tel. 06/69644130 Fax. 06/69644380 E-mail | Website |
Latvia | National Electronic Mass Media Council
Chair: | Ms Māra Madara Lūse
National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia |
Lithuania | Lietuvos Radijo ir Televizijos Komisija
(Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania – LRTK) Chair: | Ms Birute Kersiene Head of Public and International Relations Address: Seimyniškių 3A LT-09312 Vilnius; Lithuania Tel: +370 5 2 330 660 Fax: +370 5 264 71 25 E-mail | Website
Ms Paulina Tamelytė |
Luxembourg | Autorité Luxembourgeoise indépendante de l’audiovisuel (ALIA)
President: | Ms Carole Kickert Secrétaire Général de l’ALIA Address: 18, rue Erasme L-1468 Luxembourg Tel: +352 247 70105 E-mail | Website |
Malta | Broadcasting Authority Malta
| Ms Joanna Spiteri Chief Executive Address: Broadcasting Authority Malta 7, Mile End Road MT- Hamrun HMR 1719, Malta Tel 00356 21 221281 Fax 00356 21 240855 E-mail | Website |
Poland | Krajowa Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji – KRRiT (National Broadcasting Council)
Chair: | Ms Ewa Murawska-Najmiec Strategy Department National Broadcasting Council Address: Skwer Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 9 PL- 01-015 Warszawa tel. +48 22 5973105 E-mail | Website |
Portugal | ERC – Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social
President: | Ms Maria Manuel Bastos Chief of Staff Portuguese Regulatory Authority for the Media Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social – ERC Address: Av. 24 de Julho, 58 1200-869 Lisboa – Portugal Tel.: +351 210 107 000 Fax: +351 210 107 019 E-mail | Website |
Romania | Consiliul National al Audiovizualului
National Audiovisual Council Vice President: | Ms Ruxandra Minea-Cristea European Relations Unit
National Audiovisua Council |
Slovakia | Rada pre mediálne služby Council for Media Services of the Slovak Republic
Chair: | Mr Martin Dorociak Address: Rada pre mediálne služby |
Slovenia | AKOS – Agency for Communication Networks and Services
Director General: | Mrs Teja Antončič Electronic Media Dpt Address: AKOS Stegne 7, POB 418 Sl-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 1 583 63 75 (or 00) Fax: +386 1 511 11 01 E-mail | Website |
Spain | Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
President: | Carlos Aguilar Calle Barquillo, 5 |
Sweden | The Swedish Agency for the Media
Ms Charlotte Ingvar-Nilsson | Ms Rebecca Parman Legal Adviser Address: Box 33 SE-121 25 Stockholm-Globen Sweden Tel: +46(8) 580 070 36 E-mail | Website |
The Netherlands | Commissariaat voor de Media
Ms Amma Asante President | Mr Marcel Betzel LL.M Strategy, Policy and Research Address: Commissariaat voor de Media Hoge Naarderweg 78 NL- 1217 AH Hilversum Postbus 1426, 1200 BK Hilversum, The Netherlands Tel: +31 35 77 377 10 Fax: +31 35 77 377 99 E-mail | Website |
EFTA countries party to the EEA
(full participation, no voting rights)
Country |
Organisation and Contact details |
Iceland |
Ms Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir |
Liechtenstein |
Ms Anna B. Adam |
Norway | Mr Audun Aagre
Senior Advisor Medietilsynet/ Norwegian Media Authority |
Other Countries
(observers, no voting rights)
Country |
Organisation and Contact details |
Albania | Ms Armela Krasniqi Chairwoman Audiovisual Media Authority – AMA |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mr Predrag Kovač Director General +387 (0) 33 250 600 Email | website Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mehmeda Spahe 1 71000 Sarajevo |
Montenegro | Mr Branko Boskovic +382 20 201430 Email | website Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 9 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro |
Moldova | Ms Liliana Vițu Chair Email | website Audiovisual Council Str. Vlaicu Pîrcălab, 46, MD-2012 |
North Macedonia | Mr Zoran Trajchevski Director +389 (0) 2 3103 400 Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media |
Serbia | Mr Goran Petrović Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media – REM |
Türkiye | Ebubekir Sahin President Nihat Çaylak International Relations Department Radio and Television Supreme Council |
Ukraine | Ms Olha Herasymiuk Chair + 380 44 287-17-48 Email | website National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting 2, Prorizna Street Kyiv-34 01001 Ukraine |
Switzerland | +41 58 460 55 11 Federal Office of Communications Zukunftstrasse 44P.O. Box 256 |
(version 31/03/2024)